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Jennifer Gilmore Photography's Blog

Monday, February 23, 2009

My Handsome Boy is 4!

Crazy to think that exactly 4 years ago - I gave birth to my little man! He has given me so much joy as a mother these past four years. He is such a sweet boy and almost always willing to be my big helper. He loves playing games, checking his clothes to make sure the size is a 4 now (because he is a big boy), playing with his little brother and telling him how to play certain activities. He loves feeding our black lab Harley and reading books. He is more of the artistic thinking type. Has always loved to draw, paint, color, etc - since he could hold a pen/pencil/crayon. He is also more on the musical side. He likes to name different instruments when listening to songs and pretending to be in bands. He loves his cousins beyond words and whenever he needs a cheering up - all I have to ask is if he wants to go to Grandma and Granddaddy's - and he is the happiest boy! He has a great relationship with his grandpa (Brian's dad) too! He loves going to the park, feeding the ducks, and riding his Spiderman bike.

Everyone always said - they grow up faster than you realize. I listened - but didn't realize HOW true it is. One of my biggest regrets about being a mom is not taking enough photos. I hardly every take my kids photos - and have decided it's time to start being better! Even if it's just a couple shots out on the grass - I need to document their life better.

I am so lucky to be a mom and have a job that I love - that lets me stay home with my boys during the days. Being on bedrest has been so hard because I just want to get up and play with them - but soon I will be back to my old self. :)


Here are his favorites:
Food: Cereal
Drink: Orange Juice ("cause it makes me feel better") and milk
Dessert or Treat: Cookies
Toy: Robot Dog (he got today for his birthday)
TV Show: Backyardigans (which he rarely ever watches??)
Game to play: Smoke and Fire (also known as Connect Four)
Car: Race Car
Friend: Samson (From school)
Song: Itsy Bitsy Spider
Thing to do with Daddy: Play games
Thing to do with Mommy: Play games and watch her on the computer (hint hint - I work too much)
About Tyler: I help him fall to sleep
About School: Playing with Samson
What he thinks the baby will be: A girl


mcwally said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY! He really is such a cute kid. And I see that there is a Chuck E Cheese cake. Your husband really is Super Dad.

I love all of your posting. You have gone a little blogging crazy!

Thanks Jennifer

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday little B!!

So glad to see this blog isn't mute anymore!!

Hope you're feeling well...can't wait to see the new addition!

Roney Family said...

Happy Birthday to little B. I hope that he had the best birthday ever! Looks like he had fun at Chuck E cheese!! What a cutie!

Joanna said...

Many things about this post made me smile...

jbel said...

K was so stoked to see herself in little B's birthday photo!

he is so dang adorable. I was watching him at church the other Sunday and I could not get over how cute he is and how much of a mini me he is of Big B! love it.