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Thursday, March 05, 2009

Hospital Visits

Brian tried to take the boys to the hospital everyday to see me while I was in there Jan-Feb. They usually lasted about 20-30 minutes then Tyler was DONE. Brian could last longer, but with both - they found too many things to become "toys" in the hospital room. Brian and I played memory every time he came he liked to draw a lot too.

My First room

I was not allowed to dry my hair because I would have to be off the monitor too hair in a knot everyday, no makeup, and gaining tons of weight from doing nothing. Ugh. Check out the nice socks - those were worn everyday so that I did not get blood clots from laying in bed all day. Finding something to fit my big belly was hard - when it couldn't be anything fashionable. It had to be things that could be moved for the monitors.

One night Brian came without Tyler - and he drew this for the nurses

Tyler wanting to sleep with mommy at the "doctors"